Coppedè: the fantasy district of Rome
This district is an unexpected and bizarre area in Rome tucked behind the main streets of Trieste area between piazza Buenos Aires and...
See Caravaggio for free
Did you know that you can see different masterpieces of Caravaggio in three different Church in Rome for free? Well, Rome is an amazing...
Cat sanctuary in Rome ruins
Cats have have long been associated with Rome and its ruins. Some estimates put Rome's cat population at 300,000, and an Italian...
You don't need to buy water in Rome
The beauty of the Eternal city is endless on every aspect. Rome is absolutely full of characteristic free-drinking little fountain called...
Free Pantheon Tour
Not many know that Angel Tours, a company specialized in tourist tours, promotes itself offering a free Pantheon tour every night except...
Using your mobile in Rome
MOBILE PHONES If you have a multiband phone (some countries use different frequencies from those used in the United States) and your...
Do I need a VISA to be in Rome?
The answer to this question is simple: it depends by your citizenship. All following countries citizens, even infants, need a valid...
Don't miss the "Trapizzino"!
The Trapizzino, a creation of Stefano Callegari, founder of the 00100 Pizza, is a triangular pocket of pizza dough filled with a splendid...
Addresses in Rome
In the centro storico, most street names are posted on ceramic like plaques on the side of buildings, which can make them hard to see....
Want to send a postcard? Use the Vatican Postal service instead of the Italian one
The Vatican’s postal service is described as one of the world’s best, with more letters sent each year from its post code than anywhere...