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You don't need to buy water in Rome

The beauty of the Eternal city is endless on every aspect. Rome is absolutely full of characteristic free-drinking little fountain called ‘nasoni‘ (‘big noses’) that distribute clean, clear, cool water for free, 24/7. So if you are dying for a chug of cold water, there’s no need to spend a small fortune on environment un-friendly bottled water. All you need to do is look for a nasone and drink all the fresh water you want–it’s free! First installed in 1872, they are a symbol of the city.

Each nasone is marked with the traditional Roman S.P.Q.R. The initials stand for the Latin phrase, Senatus PopulusQue Romanus (“The Senate and the People of Rome”), referring to the government of the ancient Roman Republic, and used as an official signature of the government. S.P.Q.R. is the motto of the city of Rome and appears in the city’s coat of arms, as well as on many of the city’s civic buildings, manhole covers, and municipal establishments. The water that flows abundantly from the nasoni is licensed by the city of Rome. That’s why Romans call it l’acqua del sindaco, the mayor’s water.

It’s the legacy of the magnanimity of the ancient emperors, who channeled millions of gallons a day into the city to keep more than a million residents watered, and distributed it for free to the plebeians. The first aqueduct was built along the Appian Way in 312BC, and by the 1st century AD there were nine serving the city. One entire aqueduct was built solely for the fountains and baths of the palace on the Palatine hill.

More than two thousand years later, the watery legacy remains, and you can benefit from it on your vacation. Just bring a water bottle keep the first bottle you buy, and fill up at will whenever you see a nasone. It’s super healthy, clean, cold, treated water originating in the Appenine mountains, sometimes brought along the route of the original Roman aqueducts, and it’s always running so never has time to build up any kind of growth in the pipes that feed the fountains.

Some of the original Roman acqueducts are still in use but they only feed the monumental fountains – which is why you should never drink from them.

You can even locate the nearest Nasone using an app available for Iphone called “I nasoni di Roma”, while for Android, “Drink in Italy” does the same thing. Or print this map of the 200 Nasoni in the centre of Rome.

Recap: Rome is full of free-drinking little fountain called ‘nasoni‘. so there is no need to buy water.

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